
Find Out How To Create A Squeeze Page With High Conversion Rates

All online marketers are aware of the potential of a good email marketing list that is developed and responsive. After you have an email list, you should cultivate it and then you will be in a position to profit from it. Of course you need to start at the beginning, as we all do, and begin creating it from the ground up. You should be a bit more proactive than just thinking all you need to do is have a subscription box somewhere on your site. So that is why we want to talk about the powerful squeeze page for building an email list.

On any squeeze page, you will find that the most vital component is the call to action. A weak call to action won't generate high conversion rates. There are plenty of online marketers who are new to the game who have no idea that most of the people landing on their squeeze page have no clue regarding what the next step is. More often than not, you have to spell out exactly what action is required of them. If you want them to subscribe to your list by entering their email address then that's what you need to tell them. There have been studies that have revealed that large text and graphics, such as a big, bold arrow, calling people to action has helped to increase conversion rates. Quite a few of the top marketers are now including video on their squeeze pages, which they use to entice people to put their email address in the opt-in box, in return for a freebie. So having an effective call to action is your first step towards building a strong squeeze page that not only stands out of the crowd but also makes an impact on the visitors. The only way people will give you their contact info is if make them a compelling offer. We recommend you try to get very creative with your free offer. Do your very best to create something that does not look like everything else being offered. Consider offering people something that is so good that you just know it would sell if you put a price tag on it. It does not matter what market you are in; just be sure you create something that is truly valuable. It is really not that hard to give them something that you know they will want to have.

Lastly, make sure to use the submission button on your squeeze page wisely. You shouldn't label your button simply 'submit' or 'click here' as it is a perfect opportunity for you to reiterate your call to action. You are throwing away a great opportunity if you aren't taking advantage of this button. You can showcase a benefit to remind prospects what they will gain by subscribing to your list. You can even increase the effectiveness of your call to action by including something like "Yes! Get My Free Report to Me Now!" on the submission button. This will usually help you retain all those prospects that may have left otherwise.

Thus, this article has revealed a few of the best strategies you can use to improve the conversion rate of your squeeze page. You have to make sure that you are working consistently to increase your subscriber base and improve the performance of your squeeze page.
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